Advise To Avoid The Adverse Part Of Secured Loans

Advise To Avoid The Adverse Part Of Secured Loans

It is true that secured loans are the most pocket friendly loans. But sometimes, due to lack of knowledge people suffer from many hinders with secured loans. In that case, instead of being pocket friendly secured loans may react adversely. So, a proper advice matters a lot. In this article, readers will get some advices about secured loans.

secured loans are available against collateral. You can use any valuable objects of yours as collateral. Home or some other real estate, automobile, other valuable objects work well. And for that, check at first whether you are a possessor of valuable property or not. At the same time, you should keep in your mind that using worthy collateral would help you to get your desired amount.

Generally, borrowers opt for a secured loan, when they want to borrow relatively high -amount. With secured loans, one can borrow amount ranged from £5,000 to £75,000. So, you verify, how much do you want. If your borrowed amount is high, then only apply for a secured loan.

Next check your financial capacity. As you are getting secured loans against your property, thus in case of failing to repay the amount, your property will be repossessed by the lender. So, be sure that you are able to pay off the loan amount and then opt for a secured loan. It is better to borrow the amount that is more convenient to repay.

What is your credit score? Are you aware of it? Knowing credit score is also important before availing a secured loan. Normally people opt for secured loans, because the rate of interest is lower on secured loans. But, it is not applicable for those persons, who have poor credit history. In that case, lenders charge comparatively high rate of interest due to their poor credit score. Therefore, know your credit score and then apply for a secured loan.

Getting a proper deal is also important. Though many lenders offer secured loans, but comparison of different loan quotes will ensure you to avail a pocket soothing secured loan.

You can search for secured loan over the Internet. Even, Online search is comparatively easy and less time consuming. You do not need to go outside to look for a best deal. You can do everything at your home. Many online lenders offer secured loans. To obtain those loans, you need to fill up an application form. After that, the lender will get in touch with you within few days.

The rate of availing secured loans has been increased among the mass. But at the same time, the case of collateral repossession is also increasing. So what can be the solution? A proper advice is necessitated that help people to understand secured loans properly. With a proper advise, adverse situation of secured loans can be avoided.


The Best Way To Eliminate Credit Card Debt

credit card loans
by avlxyz
The Best Way To Eliminate Credit Card Debt

One of the things that has changed the way in which we spend money is the credit card. Ever since plastic money became popular, people have forgotten that there was a time when they actually had to carry around wads of notes that could easily be stolen by pickpockets and they would just have to chase the pickpocket if they saw him or bear the loss as stoically as possible.

While the convenience of these magic cards cannot be denied, this form of borrowing money can also get people into trouble if they are not careful. This is especially true if they intend to start businesses with credit card loans. Although this form of fund raising for a start-up sounds very unorthodox, sometimes this is the only option if people do not qualify for other forms of credit.

If you think that you cannot pay back your credit card debt, you should not panic because there are reliable ways of dealing with this problem. The only thing that you should not do is sit on the problem and let it grow because it may get really bad with time.

One way of dealing with credit card debt is opting for debt consolidation. This is just taking another loan to pay back the credit card dues. The advantage of this method is that it enables people to consolidate several liabilities into one and make things easy to understand. However, the disadvantage is that the rate of interest is often higher. In some cases the time period for which people will remain indebted may increase. There is also the possibility that the borrower will not be able to keep up with the payments of the new loan and eventually get into a debt trap.

Instead of opting for consolidation, many people are turning to debt settlement or negotiation because this is often a better option. In this method, the borrower sits down with the lender and asks him to forgive a part of the loan in lieu of a lump sum amount. Now, you may ask why a borrower will forgive a portion of the money that he is supposed to get. However, the fact is that lenders know that they will not get back the entire amount if the borrower files for bankruptcy.

If you need to deal with credit card debt properly, contact a reputed debt settlement company now!


Personal Debt Consolidation Loans Haste to Excavate Debt Podgy

Personal Debt Consolidation Loans Haste to Excavate Debt Podgy

Personal debt consolidation loans are altogether different and more radical ways of tackling your personal debts. By entering into personal debt consolidation loan management programs, individuals hand over the time to time management of their debts to a company who specialises in negotiating with people's creditors. Personal debt consolidation loan companies contact every debtor owes money to, and tries to negotiate lower repayments by rearrangement of their debts, freezing interest, or even cancelling past charges and fees.

Individuals have to be very careful though – these kinds of personal debt consolidation loans really are last resorts, so if they start spending money on some of those credit cards again then you could find yourself in serious trouble. Not least because the personal debt consolidation loans probably have to be secured against your home. Most of these types of debt consolidation loans do require candidates to be homeowners. If you get yourself into trouble and can not manage the repayment schedule, they could be looking at losing your house. It is not just another scare story, these things happen all too often.

Acting upon the provisions of Personal Debt Consolidation Loans, borrowers find effective ways to reduce their debts and eliminate the stresses it causes. These loans also often have longer terms and smaller monthly payments, making them more realistic. However, if you choose this method to manage your debts, you need to be sure that you will not run up your debts again. To make this type of loan work for you, you have to be disciplined and focus on paying off your debt before paying with credit again.

For entire of the process of personal debt consolidation loans, the money market is blooming with uncountable lending options. There are many lenders available in the market with their variable terms and conditions. Why do these policies of personal debt consolidation loans vary? The fact of the matter is that every lender tries to get best of the borrowers' financial malaise. In order to gain advantage over borrowers, these lenders make their plans of personal debt consolidation loans according to their personal benefits.

Cautiously, borrowers are required to take their time before entering into deals of personal debt consolidation loans. For, with proliferation of internet in the processing of personal debt consolidation loans, the process of these loans has taken up a good speed. To the borrowers' point of views, just in click many lending options which help them to make a comparative study of the quotes of personal debt consolidation loans, with the help borrowers make their plans of personal debt consolidation loans according to their financial feasibility.

FIXED RATE PRIVATE STUDENT LOAN CONSOLIDATION BEST SOLUTION Federal Student Loan Consolidation The Federal Student Loan Consolidation program can provide debt management solutions for graduates, those who have left school, or dropped to less than half-time. Some federal student loan consolidation... Video Rating: 0 / 5


Federal student loans

Federal student loans

Federal student loans or How abundantly does it really cost to go to college?

The range in cost of a college education is huge. Visit now

You could go to a community college considering just a few thousand a year, or you could whack to a top individualistic indoctrinate besides pay advancement to ,000 a bit or more. It is working to cost you to go to college, no account where you go, and tuition increases occur no sign of slowing down.What is odd is that one college, such thanks to a define school, can take it tuition costing ,500 a year, shift another singular profess costs ,000 a year in insight. Why do some schools price so much more money, and is it worth it?

State schools are cheaper than private schools, but this doesn't shocking they are of any less quality. The scan why they are cheaper is because the make clear colleges carry off capital from the government which allows them to charge you less.State schools are restraint sponsored, meaning they get money from the government be pleased public primary and secondary schools. This allows them to charge considerably less for theory. Private schools conclude no capital from the government. They rely 100% on the tuition and fees they get from enrolled students to loot everything.

When you are searching because college, you should only look at tuition for affordability. Don't whammy at it in that a aid of deciding how good the school is. Pricier schools are not superior to cheaper schools. In some instances, the more expensive schools are worse. They waste tons of finance on things you don't need such through elegant buildings and first class lunches. You should be going to a college for a superior education, not to live like a King.First, decide your career path and research that department domination the colleges you are interested spell. For example, if you are interested consequence business, ask around at employers to see which schools they get a assembly of employees from. Ask alumni what they thought of their college and look at reviews that rate schools based on the gist of the consciousness they are offering.

Never rely on what you 'hear around' at school from distant classmates or what folks at other colleges lap up of other schools. Gossip is rarely undisguised and often students at various colleges are most more partial to the rear they are attending, especially if they were denied admission to the school you are interested in. You long indubitable opinions from actual students also alumni.Pay attention to the price or and you'll end up throwing away a gathering of important. Remember, chief isn't materiality and money doesn't conclude the opportune value of a initiate. Choose the school you feeling is best for you wandering going above your limit.Visit now


VA Home Loans are On the Rise

VA Home Loans are On the Rise

If you are in the market for a home you may want to prepare yourself for a slow process.

Banks have increased restrictions and tightened lending. Homeowners who owe a lot on their home are forced to apply for short sale permission. To top it off, small investors are removing their money from the stock market and buying real estate increasing your competition.

Potential buyers are looking for ways and sources to supplement loans, assitst with closing costs and open doors to buying a home. The Veterans Administration Home Loans is an avenue that many people are heading down.

A recent study by VA Home Loan Centers has found that VA loans are on the rise. In 2009, VA Home Loans represented 9.5% of every home sale; in 2010 the VA home loan financing increased to 10.77% of all home sales. Furthermore, the study indicates that by 2011 people using the VA loan option could rise to 11.5% of all homes sold.

Market conditions, limited consumer resources, VA loan advantages and adjustments to bank lending regulations appear to be the reasons for this major increase. Banks took a hard look at lending procedures in 2009 and noticed that there was a crisis. People were starting to default on loans because of hard economic times. The banks suffered losses as a result of the defaults and an unraveling began which has only recently slowed.

Because of difficulties and increased expenses during the recession, many consumers have limited cash on hand. To add to this, new bank regulations have changed the way Americans buy houses.

The good news is that government loan products are now on the rise. In response to the changing market, the United States Department of Veteran Affairs has now adjusted program guidelines and the result is a renewed consumer confidence.

VA housing loan limits are to rise for 2011. Although limits vary state to state the increases are happening in most regions. The largest VA loan increase for 2011 is found California, New Jersey, New York and Utah. New York and New Jersey limits are to increase from 1,250 to 5,000 and Utah limits are to increase from 6,260 to 2,500. With more money that is available for people to borrow is it ever a wonder why the percentage for VA home loans is on the rise.

On the flip side there are some communities where the limits have fallen. Still in these communities the process to apply for the loan remains the same, and is still an option for most would be home owners.

Another reason for the increase is that people are realizing that VA home loans can be used to purchase short sale homes. Short sale homes are homes that are being sold for less than the mortgage. Banks are allowing this from time to time when they stand to recoup more money versus a foreclosure.

Buyers who use VA financing, find that more sellers are willing to pay for the buyers share of closing costs. VA loan options allow bankrupt people to get back into a home sooner than other loan programs. In order to get a VA loan with a bankruptcy, you must have Trustee approval and no late payments in 12 months before the application.

It is very clear that VA loans are on the rise. People are realizing that it is an easy option to help get them the home they want to live in. Others with tainted credit scores have an option to get back on their feet sooner than waiting seven years to do so.


Fafsa Application - For Federal Student Loans And Grants

Fafsa Application - For Federal Student Loans And Grants

One of the most importance thing you simply must do first, when looking for federal student loans and or grants is to fill out the 100 % free application for federal student aid form. You will need to spend some time and complete this form, since the Government uses the data to find out precisely what loans and even grants you might be qualified for.

One thing which will be part when determining what loans or Grants will probably be available for you is actually your dependence status. The actual FAFSA form can help you determine your status. Generally there are usually major differences in available funds between married college students, graduate students and students which are still dependence of his or her parents. There are a few recourses that may help you determine your status. You'll be able to complete the survey on the FAFSA webpage, or you might talk to your own senior high school guidance counselor.

When your ready to fill in the actual application you will must have your drivers license, Social security number and W-2's from your prior tax year available. Some other things to consider are, if you are married you will need your spouses tax return data for that prior calendar year. Those that are listed on their mothers and fathers tax return as a dependent, will in addition need a duplicate of their returns whenever fill out the application. You are also going to need earnings verification data such as banking account statements along with any business and also investment revenue statements. Additionally if you get any kind of untaxed revenue, similar to Social Security you will need these records.Here is a good listing of other records that you need to have available. You should have your current banking account information as well as any business as well as investment income statements. You will also need to report any kind of untaxed revenue like SS if relevant.

After gathering these details, you're finally ready to sit down and begin the application. You will need to invest some time with this particular component to the process, due to the fact precisely what you put in the actual form, will establish exactly what grants or loans are offered to you. There are quite a lot of methods for getting the application forms you need to fill out. Your current senior high school, institution of preference have the forms, otherwise you might be to the actual FAFSA webpage. If you choose to fill out the application on the web, you will have to first get a PIN from government, you can also electronically sign you online application if you apply for that feature at

The government will send the results of the application to your chosen school and they will use it to figure out your EFC (Expected Family Contribution). The expected family contribution is the amount the government expects you or your family to pay towards you education. Any amount over this number is what you are qualified to receive in the way of grants and or loans. Once the Scholl figures out what you are qualified to receive, they will send you a packet of information explaining what is available to you.


Credit Card Debt- What Else You Should Know

Credit Card Debt- What Else You Should Know

Imagine this scenario: a customer of a commercial bank holds a credit card of the bank and has made purchases in thousands of dollars. The bank sends the bill to the customer as per the billing cycle. The customer however, opts for paying the bill in installments along with an interest. So far this proposition seems to be profitable for the bank because the bank stands to gain additional revenue and the customer shells out extra money from the pocket.

However, the problem begins when the customer plays truant and does not pay the amount as agreed on a monthly basis. The bank runs up losses in thousands of dollars which includes the operating cost, the recovery charges, and the interest, just to mention a few. This scenario is known as the credit card debt, which has been the bane of many banks in the United States of America.

What are the reasons that the credit card debt crisis occurs? There are a number of reasons:

The banks cannot really coerce a customer to pay the installments or use any other method to put force since that is illegal and should the banks do this, the banks can go to the wrong side of the law. The customers, who are aware of this scenario or the legal weakness of the bank, and are willing to commit such acts of not paying up, can easily take advantage of the bank's vulnerability.

The Credit Card debt is an unsecured debt. This means that the bank does not have any mortgage or any collateral against which the debt is taken. Hence, when the customer refuses to pay the installments and the bank cannot coerce the customer to pay up, the bank cannot confiscate any collateral. In other words, unlike the car loans or the home loans, there is no collateral for the credit card loans.

Most banks, in desperation to increase their sales, distribute credit cards without even checking the credentials of the customer or the credit card applicant properly. The financial background and the ability of the applicant to repay the loan are not checked scrupulously.

What can be done to reduce credit card debt, while accepting that it is not possible to reduce this to zero? The only way seems to be a scrupulous check of the background of the applicant.

The banks need to check the background and the financial solvency of the applicant and attach scores based on which the application can be granted or denied. Also credit card debt relief or debt relief measures like restructuring the loan on softer terms for the customer may prove helpful in encouraging the customer to pay the loan back.


Are Secured Loans The Sensible Option?

Are Secured Loans The Sensible Option?

Secured loans maybe easier and faster to obtain than many other loans, but there are a number of potential dangers with getting secured loans. If you are in need of a loan, but are unsure if a secured loan is the right way to go, then this article can help you. Knowing more about secured loans and their dangers will help you to decide if secured loans are the sensible option.

What are secured loans?

Secured loans are loans that are granted because you put up some form of security behind the credit, usually in the form of your house. Amounts usually range from between £3000 and £50000, and repayment terms range from 3 to 25 years. The amount that you can borrow and the interest you pay will depend on how much equity you have in your property, which is the amount you have already paid towards your property's value.

Are there any advantages?

There are many advantages to secured loans. One such advantage is that you can have the loan approved much more easily than other loans, especially if you have poor credit. This is because you are providing the lender with security in the form of your property should you not be able to make repayments. Secured loans also allow you to borrow more money over a longer period of time than you would be able to do with unsecured personal loans. If you know that you can make the repayments, then a secured loan will give you more favourable terms, which is always the aim when taking out any form of credit.

So what are the problems?

Despite their advantages, there are also many dangers with secured loans, most notably the danger of losing your home. If you cannot repay the loan, then the lender can recover the loan amount through the sale of your property. Although you may be able to make the repayments right now, if you become unemployed or your income decreases, then you may end up with serious financial problems. If you can, it may be better to get an unsecured loan, credit card or remortgage than to secure credit against your property. Financially overstretching yourself will lead problems, so it is important that you think carefully before taking out a secured loan.

Are they worth it?

Knowing whether or not you should get a secured loan really depends upon your situation. Secured loans are most suitable for debt consolidation or for making home improvements. They are also the best source of finance for people with poor credit. However, in most cases secured loans should only be used as a last resort, and other types of loans should be reviewed first to see if they could meet your needs. Whatever your situation, you should think carefully about your ability to repay the loan. If you do this, then using a secured loan will be much less problematic and will give you the credit that you need.

Visit for more advice on bad credit loans.


Consolidate Debt Loans: Better for Tomorrow

Consolidate Debt Loans: Better for Tomorrow

Are you looking for financial help to consolidate the pile of debts? If so, then approach lenders to procure the benefits of Consolidate Debt Loans. It is meant for debtors. You can subscribe the funds with to without using property as collateral. Secured and unsecured is related to collateral and without collateral, respectively. By pledging collateral you can procure funds between £5,000 and £1,00,000 with reimbursement term of 10-25 years. If you are incapable of using property as collateral, then opt for unsecured loans. Unsecured loans unlock amount from £1,000-£25,000 with repayment term of 1-10 years. The benefits are meant for salaried persons, business individuals, housewife, self-employed and cultivators etc. comes under the radar of this scheme.

The objectives of this scheme first scans and diagnose the cause of debts. Then it assimilates the various debts and fleeces it slowly and easily. Objectives pay less heed for what purposes the debtors borrowed funds rather intends to consolidate the relevant financial disputes. The obliterating of debts gives opportunities to recover the credit condition. The subtle and sublime polices also assist in executing small personal ends.

The continuous influx of lenders has developed a competitive market among lenders. Such an atmosphere helps debtors to derive loans at negotiable rate of interest. Moreover, if you personally differentiate the offers with the help of loan quotes and loan calculator then you can spot cheap and low rate of interest. If you cannot come to any reliable decision after such a hard exercise then approach the help desk of financial experts.

If you have already borrowed a loan and repaying it by paying high monthly instalments, then get rid of this burden by clicking the provisions of this loan scheme.

The loan is at your finger tips. Yes, by applying for loans through the online application form you can access the loan from home or offshore within less time. This online application mitigates the lengthy practice of paperwork.

Thus, consolidate debt loans paves way for debtors to incur their credit status and lead a life free from the irritating comments of creditors.

Commission Structure of Student Loan Collector They will do whatever it takes to collect on your defaulted student loan. I did. This industry is dark and what you'll learn is scary. Get My Confessions of Rogue Student Loan Collector Visit My Blog Mr. Kay Production Manager Rogue Student Loan Collector Why should you listen to me? * I am a Production Manager for a top ranked federal student-loan collection agency who is contracted with Department of Education. Our firm's job is to basically locate and recover billions of dollars in defaulted federal student loans. * My team has collected well over 7 Billion dollars from doctors, single mothers, college students, veterans, people of disability, unemployed and anyone who is behind on federal student loans. I have developed a powerful unique course that exposes every tactic that I have used to collect hundreds of millions from unaware student loan borrowers just like you. Why am I releasing this information? *I have seen what student loan troubles can do to a person. Family get torn apart, newly graduates cannot find a job or go back to school, kids are not able to go to school because of the parents defaulted student loan, and the list goes on.... I want you to learn how to "fight back" against those who are making your life difficult -- and holding you back. With the "Student Loan Blue Print" we guarantee your entire outlook on life will change forever. However, I ... Video Rating: 5 / 5


Debt Consolidation Loans- Savior in Despair

Debt Consolidation Loans- Savior in Despair

Are you really worried due to the higher interest rates you have to pay to various creditors and really want to consolidate all such debts into a single one with a lower interest rate? Then these debt consolidation loans are the ones you should be searching for. Debt consolidation is a must for those people who are at the verge of bankruptcy. The lenders who provide such debt consolidation loans just consolidate all your higher interest rate debts into one having a lower interest rate and a convenient monthly repayment. This provides you with a better option to make a financial come back.

Types of debt consolidation loans

There are two types of debt consolidation loans namely secured and unsecured debt consolidation loans. In secured debt consolidation loans you have to pledge any of your valuables such as your house, car or any official documents collateral against the loan. The amount given varies depending on the equity of the property i.e. the difference obtained by deducting the debt obtained by keeping it as collateral with the market value of the property. The interest rates are as low as 9-12%. The repayment tenure also varies from 5 to 25 years. In the case of unsecured debt consolidation loans you don't have to keep anything as collateral. Usually the interest rates in such unsecured debt consolidation loans are high with shorter repayment tenure.

Eligibility criteria

If you are a victim of bad credit history, CCJ's, IVA's and bankruptcy etc, you are not restricted to take up these debt consolidation loans. People with bad credit history are often given loan amounts with higher interest rates. If you repay the loan amount within the repayment tenure you can substantially increase your credit score. It normally takes 14 days for the loan providers to consolidate your debts and give you the amount.
So what are you waiting for? Get a debt consolidation loan and forget about knocking the doors of your lenders and start working for a strong financial comeback. Debt Consolidation Loans & Credit Card Bill Mortgage Loans Bad Credit Your Poor Credit Home Video Rating: 0 / 5


Bad Debt Loans: a Beneficial Financial Scheme

Bad Debt Loans: a Beneficial Financial Scheme

Loans in fact are of great help when it comes to resolve matters where in you are not financially capable. Nowadays loans are virtually availed to meet various needs and purposes. But when you fail to repay the debts, you are tagged with bad debt due to which you are not offered any further financial assistance. This is often a set back of sorts for you as you loose the financial freedom. However, now the market has come forward with an effective financial scheme in the form of Bad Debt Loans.

These loans are beneficial for those borrowers who have arrears, defaults, late payments etc. This loan provision allows you to avail finances which in fact enable you to meet various needs like home improvement, purchasing a car, wedding expenses, educational purposes, vacation, consolidating debts etc. In fact you can also utilize the amount to resolve the bad credit issues so as to improve the credit score. This will enable you to avail future finances in a hassle free way.

As per your need and convenience you can avail these loans in the classical format of secured and unsecured loans. The secured option offers a bigger amount in lieu of an asset. It is the equity value present in the collateral by assessing which the amount is approved. Owing to the presence of an asset, lenders are virtually risk free and this is why this option of the loans has low interest rate.

On the other hand, unsecured option is beneficial for borrowers like tenants and non home owners. Homeowners who do not wish to attach any collateral can also go for these loans. Since there is no involvement of collateral, the approval comes fast. However the rate of interest levied is slightly higher. It is done to marginalize the risk factor involved.

You can access these loans from all the lenders present in the loan market. To acquire the best loan deals compare the rate quotes with the help of loan calculator. Because of its instant processing and less documentation, online application is now very popular among the lenders. Moreover there is no need to personally visit the lender as you can access the amount by just clicking a few buttons.

Bad debt loans provide the perfect financial assistance when you are not in a position to avail finances.


Secured Loans Insurance Cover

Secured Loans Insurance Cover

Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) and Secured Loans

Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) provides cover in the event of all sorts of things like, accidents, involuntary employment or sickness for secured loan repayments. The Insurance organisation will make repayments against the loan for a period, which is typically either 12 or 24 months.

A secured loan, by definition, will only be provided once you have put up your home as security against the loan repayment, it is important that you seriously consider both the added expense of taking out insurance protection and whether you take it out in the first place. This article outlines how PPI works in the secured loans market and will hopefully aid in the decision making process.

PPI, Secured Loans and APR

When secured loan providers advertise an interest rate they quote what is commonly known as the APR (Annual Percentage Rate). The APR is used to make sure that the potential borrower is aware of the `real cost' of the secured loan and that the percentage rate quoted includes any concealed costs (like set up fees or commission). In the case of PPI the APR only has to include insurance costs if taking out a policy for the loan being advertised is non-compulsory.

The secured loan lenders are aware of this and to make their percentage rate `visually more competitive' and more attractive to Customers, the insurance cover will almost always be optional and therefore will not be included in the quoted APR.

Nearly every secured loan provider charges differently for payment protection insurance. This may be based on which company ultimately provides the cover and other factors like age, risk and the size of the secured loan being covered.

This means that when searching for a secured loan it is not only the headline APR rate you should look at, but also the underlying insurance costs of taking out the secured loan. For example, two competing secured loan providers could quote APRs of 9.5% and 10.0%. The 'man in the street' would assume that the quoted rate of 9.5% would be cheaper, but there is every chance their PPI will be far more expensive and you may discover that the company quoting an APR of 10.0% will actually provide a cheaper loan (i.e. lower monthly repayments and less money to pay back).

Saving Money on your Insurance

Remembering secured loan providers nearly always make their insurance cover non-compulsory means there is nothing stopping you going to a specialist to provide the insurance cover. Remember that if a secured loan provider does not include insurance costs in the quoted APR then they cannot lawfully refuse you a loan simply based on your refusal to take out PPI with them.

Given the rise in the secured loan market and therefore the requirement for insurance cover there are an increasing number of companies beginning to sell standalone PPI policies. They normally quote cover as a cost per one hundred pounds of your monthly repayment e.g. quoting £5 per £100 means if your monthly repayments are £200 it will cost you £10 for the PPI. It is worthwhile bearing in mind that most secured loan companies provide PPI at a cost of £10 to £30 per £100 of cover required.

Although you must always investigate the excess fees (for example,. it may take one month for the insurance payments to kick in) and whether a standalone insurance provider varies their fees based on factors like age it is worthwhile looking at companies like Paymentcare and Payprotect who advertise rates as low as £4.50 per £100 of cover required. It is worthwhile spending some time looking for other specialist insurance providers on the Internet.


The decision whether to purchase payment protection insurance (PPI) and the costs of getting cover are almost as important as decisions about the actual secured loan itself. With a little bit of time spent looking around and careful consideration it is possible to get loans which in the long run cost you less over their lifetime. If you have any doubts about secured loans and PPI seek the help of an Independent Financial Adviser (IFA) and never be afraid to ask the secured loan or insurance provider to explain their terms and conditions and policies in detail.
