Most common debtors end up in financially difficult situations due to the overuse and mismanagement of credit cards. Credit card loans are unsecured loans and hence usually have very high rates of interest. Most consumers think that paying the minimum amount payable each month is sufficient to take care of their credit card bills. But in reality the interest on the remaining amount keep multiplying and eventually the debtors find themselves faced with huge loan amounts payable to various credit card companies. They do not have the financial means or expertise to deal with these loans which are in addition to other loans like car loans, home loans etc.
But now relief is available in the form of debt settlement. There are many debt settlement companies which specialize in credit card debts. They also provide guidance on how to eliminate other loans. These companies negotiate with the credit card companies and other creditors and reduce the total payable amount to approximately 50% of the original amount payable. They also arrange for letters of full and final settlement from the different creditors. This ensures that the credit scores of the debtors do not get damaged. They arrange for the creditors to re-age the accounts so that they do not show as delinquent. This further protects their credit scores.
The debtor can then pay off the negotiated amount in one go and become debt free. If the debtor cannot make arrangement for this one time payment, the settlement company arranges for the payable amount to be paid in installments. They also negotiate with the creditor to avoid interest from accruing on this amount. This enables the debtor to become debt free easily over a reasonable period of time. A debtor can enroll in a good debt settlement program online and immediately start eliminating debt.
It would be wise to not go directly to a debt settlement company but rather first visit a debt relief network. The top debt relief networks only allow debt settlement companies into their accredited organizations that prove a track record of successfully negotiating debts and have also been certified.
Debt Relief Network
This is a short edited version of the Panorama episode "Can't Pay Won't Pay" broadcast on the 10th November 2008. It tells of how the Rankine's of Birmingham UK used the Consumer Credit Act to write off credit cards, loans and other unfair credit agreements that totalled to around £100000. This amazing process of using legal loophole can be reproduced by almost anyone leading to a new Do It Yourself Debt Elimination culture. provide one of the formost guides on axactly how to go about legally cancelling your own debts. Video Rating: 4 / 5
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