The major cause of financial ruin for most people is mismanagement of credit and overuse of credit cards. Cards are unsecured loans and hence have very high interest rates. Due to this they end up with huge debts which they are unable to pay off. One way to get rid of unsecured debts like cards is to file for bankruptcy. But this method should only be chosen as a last resort. This is because bankruptcy gives immediate relief but is very harmful in the long run. A debtor's credit score is damaged irreparably.
But the current recession has also seen the rise in popularity of debt settlement programs. Some debt settlement companies provide specialized negotiation and settlement services for credit card loans. Once the debtors contact this settlement company, they do not have to deal with the creditor at all. The debt settlement company will negotiate with the different companies owed by the debtor. They will then reach a settlement which sometimes but not always eliminates the debt completely. This will free you of debt legally and you will also receive a letter of full and final settlement. This will also protect your credit scores. But it is not always possible to get rid of credit card debts this easily.
Most debt settlement companies resort to debt consolidation in order to deal with huge credit card debts. They add up the amounts negotiated with different credit card companies and arrange for a loan to pay of these smaller amounts. This larger loan is usually at a much lower rate of interest than credit card loans. This eases the financial pressure on the debtor considerably and he/ she is able to become free of card debt in a legal way without much damage to his/her credit scores.
It would be wise to not go directly to a debt settlement company but rather first visit a debt relief network. The top debt relief networks only allow debt settlement companies into their accredited organizations that prove a track record of successfully negotiating debts and have also been certified.
Debt Relief Network
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